Rock Etisalat social chat pack with the new simple server cheat settings to browse unlimitedly on your android phone and pc.
Etisalat Simple server tweak is here again blowing harder with their social chat pack cheat which indicates that you can chat on facebook,2go,whatsapp,bbm and other social apps but with the help of simple server you can browser and download unlimitedly for a week both on pc and android for just #150-call card for a boo, simply follow the setup and configuration below
Read: Simple Server &Cheat For Mtn 2015
Hot!!!: Fast Downloading With Mtn And Etisalat Using HTTP injector
To suscribe to the weekly etisalat smart chat pack make sure you have #150 on your line and dial this code *343*5*6#.
You can also enjoy better streaming with this cheat
Update: Etisalat chat pack daily plan(#50) now works for 24hrs better to subscribe to the weekly social pak or monthly social me plan which cost #150 and #500 respectively
Don't Miss: Share Simple Server Connection Via WiFi Hotspot
Read : Psiphon Handler Settings tings For Mtn And Etisalat 2015
Etisalat Simple Server Setting For Pc User
Name: Use your name
Apn: etisalat
Apn Type: Default
1. Download Simple Server For Etisalat For Pc {Unedited}
Download Edited Simple Server For Etisalat
2. The app is in zip format extract it by using winrar on your pc
3. Just open the extracted sas folder and look for "simple server.exe" and launch, its already configured then make sure its minimized
4. Insert your suscribed etisalat sim in your modem and configure modem
Apn : etisalat
5.Open any of your browser and configure
Port: 8080
Note: You must tick use proxy for all protocols
6.Start You Gifted Unlimited Browsing
How to change your android imei number to blackberry"
Read: JWP free browsing with mtn bis and etisalat
Etisalat Simple Server Setting For Android Users
1.Download Simple Android Server For Android
2.Launch your sas and configure with the settings below
Proxy Host:
Proxy Port: 3128
Injection Method: GET
Injection Querry/URL: http://
Injection Host:
Injection line: Bang on your enter key 4 times
Log Level:DEBUG
After the setup then minimize
3.Click on your phone settings then mobile
network>> Access point and create New Apn
then configure
Name: Use your name
APN: etisalat
Apn Type:Default
Port: 8080
tap on option then save and make sure you activate it as your default setting
5. Start your simple server and start surfing
Wait Don't Miss: 2 hot ways to save photos on instagram
Note: This new simple server power all your apps perfectly without proxy droid or auto proxy
If you are a lover of the older version and wish to power all your app kindly use the below settings
To power all your app Download Autoproxy for android here
and launch
Tap on the plus sign at the top and enter the below settings
For the proxy host use
For Proxy port use 8080
For Proxy type use Http
Then back to the homepage and you will see an http icon located at the top left side just start your simple server and then connect your
Auto proxy by tapping on that http and
Tweakware Vpn Fast Setting For Mtn And Etisalat
The application will be connected to simple
server to power all app
Drop any qualms you are facing with this
cheat and lets solve it.
Fast And Latest Etisalat Smart Pack Ip And Port For December 80 :8080 8080 8080 3128
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