This tutorial best explains how to fix site does not comply with google policies which many website owners might be having.
It is well observed that Google Adsense is the best monetization strategy for a website owner to make money from but less of them
get accepted in their journey due to some simple unknow issues on your website if this is your first time of visiting this site i congratulate you because i am very optimistic that if you read this steps fully and apply for the google contextual ads i.e adsense you will get accepted.
Many gets weakened when they firstly apply for adsense and get rejected but rememeber when the going get tough, the tough get
going, Please Note that if you are using a .blogspot domain to register i urge you not to read it again cause it will result in nothing ,google isn't approving that again its
advisable to buy a .com custom domain name you can get that for as low as $1.17 at godaddy applying coupon codes lets get into the steps on how to fix site does
not comply with adsense policies.
Quality Content And User Interface:
I knew you have heard of these several times but don't get fed up with it as content is king for all bloggers ,so what i mean by quality content is:
Make sure your content are long enough of upto 800 words per page that means it should have a good page title that users may think of searching and a well described rich snippet
[description] and note that google bots only crawl text so when using images you should use Alt Text attributes that enable bots to crawl the image name.
Illegal Content should also be removed i.e adult material are not allowed, promoting irrelevant affiliates, hacking/gambling contents and bloody contents are all disallowed to take part.
Also note that the content must be unique ,wait do you really know what unique means
Unique: It means only one of its type
That denotes that the content shouldn't be shared or copied by anyone make sure its unique in its way and have relevancy for visitors not bots.
Also make sure you have a good responsive seo template that will be eyes catching to get that just google search "Best seo blogspot responsive template" and upload it.
Webmaster Guidelines :
According to google rejection messages it states that you should follow webmaster guideline so what are the google webmaster guideline:
First submit your site to google webmaster tools and make sure bots are able to crawl your site to do that click on and add a site.
Make sure you also submit your xml sitemap to GWT
Make sure all your broken links are fixed to avoid breakage in seo.
Then all these petite things like adding href language, Fixing robots.txt file css and javascript crawling,your site page speed, and site mobile friendliness are all fixed also check if your site support if-modified-since-http-header which tells bots if your content has been updated.
Adding Neccessary Pages
Note that you must have some pages like privacy and policy
Your Site Age:
To get accepted by adsense your website must be at least 3 month old ,just forget some myth that you will get accepted in a website, some location in asian continent like india
must have their website activate for good 6 months due to some spamming activities made by them, the reason why google imposed these policy is that some bloggers goes for blogging because of money and might run off anytime which might cause problem for their adviterser so google proclaimed that all websites owners applying for adsense must be recieving some traffics from organic and their content must be made for users not bots.
With these outlined ways i am sure if you apply for it ,you application would be approved and make sure you put a longer time of about 30 days to apply after your rejection
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