Fast Simple Server Settings For Mtn BIS On PC n Android


Browsing with mtn simple server has been so easy these day with etisalat and other Nigerian Telecommunication Network,
For those complaining about their mtn simple server bis not working make sure you read this post till end.


Hot: Free Mtn Browsing With Psiphon, Simple Server, Jwp, And HTTP injector 

Read: JWP free browsing with mtn bis and etisalat 

Hot!!!: Fast Downloading With Mtn And Etisalat Using HTTP injector 

This write up explain how to use the new mtn simple server cheat to browse and download upto 5gig file per day both on your android and pc

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without rooting

Also Read Simple Server: Best Setting For Etisalat Chat Pack 2015

Yes you heard me right you are just going to use #70 to suscribe to MTN BIS by dialing "BBLITED" to 21600 without quotes wait for confirmation sms then you will be free to browse and download unlimitedly using the below settings.

Simple Server Software Settings/Setup For Pc

1. Download Simple Server for pc

2. The app is in zip format extract it by using winrar on your pc

3. Just open the extracted ss folder and look for simple "simple server.exe" and launch

4. Make sure you have already suscribe to the mtn bis by dialing the code above then insert your mtn sim into your modem and plug into
your pc

5. Navigate to your modem settings and create new APN and config:

proxy :web
username :web

6. Launch any browser on your system and configure its proxy as

Proxy :
Port: 8080
Note that you must tick:Use this proxy server for all protocols

7. Start surfing

Read how to use 3gig Glo bis on android

Mtn Simple Server Settings For Android 


Download and install the latest simple server here for android

Read:Simple Server Best Setting For Etisalat Chat Pack 

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2. Launch the simple server and and tap use the following settings

Proxy Host :

Proxy Port : 8080

'Make sure you enable the injection'

Injection Method: Check Get

Injectiony Query/ Url:

Injection Host :

Injection Line : Just hit Enter 4 consecutive times

Buffer Size: 8092

Log Level :Debug

4. Minimize the simple server and click on your phone settings then mobile network>> Access point and create New Apn then config

Name: Use your Name
Apn Type:Default
Port: 8080
tap on the 3 vertical dots and hit save the check it as your default settings

5. Go back to the simple server and start your simple server.

6. Launch your browser and Enjoy your browsing and download unlimitedly

Note that you might recieve message that you have exhausted your suscription just ignore the message and continue surfing

Note: This new simple server power all your apps perfectly without proxy droid or auto proxy

If you are a lover of the older version and wish to power all your app kindly use the below settings

To power all your app Download Autoproxy for android here and launch

Don't Miss: Tweakware Vpn Setting For Mtn And Etisalat 

Tap on the plus sign at the top and enter the
below settings

For the proxy host use
For Proxy port use 8080
For Proxy type use Http

Then back to the homepage and you will http icon located at the left side just start your simple server and then connect your Auto proxy

The application will be connected to simple server to power all app

Other Bis Suscription

Send BBLITEW TO 21600 for weekly plan
Send BBLITEM TO 21600 for monthly plan.

*216*3*1# for daily cost 70 naira
*216*3*2# for weekly cost 350 naira
*216*3*3# for monthly cost 1000 naira

Enjoy while it last.

Drop any questions in the comment box i will reply to you aso

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